I.O.U. Lyrics – Mike Shinoda

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I.O.U. Lyrics – Mike Shinoda
I.O.U. Lyrics - Mike ShinodaSong Details:
Song: I.O.U.
Artist: Mike Shinoda
Album: Post Traumatic
Released: 2018
Genre: Alternative/Indie

I.O.U. Lyrics

Yeah  levitating off the blacktop
Used to struggle getting started now I can’t stop
Used to be the quiet kid in the sandbox
Now it’s hands up every time that your man rocks
They oughta stop me coming in again
You mad  you thought we were synonyms
Too bad that’s the water you’re getting in
You’re too fat for the sharks that you’re swimming in
From where I’m sitting contenders
Are looking like fruit spinning around in a blender
Hardly a snack when I’m here looking for dinner
I eat ’em  delete ’em  they’re barely beginners
Main course is my main sport
Play major but Minor’s my main Fort
Put a chain around everything I came for
Look but don’t touch sucker

Tell ’em take an I.O.U.
Say they want respect now
Thinking they deserve to have it next now
Tell ’em take an I.O.U.
Believing what they’re making up
Talking loud but never really saying much
Tell ’em take an I.O.U.
I been drawing plans out
And they think I’m giving them a handout
Tell ’em take an I.O.U.
Thinking they’re entitled to a piece  no
I don’t think so
Tell ’em take an I.O.U.

Levitating in a blackout
Used to drink at least a 40 ‘fore we mashed out
Used to think that working 40 was a max-out
Now I’m working even when I’m sleeping  do the math now
‘Cause even when I’m sleeping  eyes keep ’em open
Stripe across ’em both the color of your hemoglobin
A huge act man  like I’m known for being Logan
X-23  I’m keen to leave ’em with a femur broken
Taking it too far maybe
Friends like Mike  I don’t know who you are lately
But pride and hate has made naysayers mistake me
For wasting brain space on ratings they gave me
I don’t need your respect  I got history
I’m ’81 Reagan with that nonsense  miss me
Father like Francis  Anakin or John Misty
Not to be touched  sucker

Tell ’em take an I.O.U.
Say they want respect now
Thinking they deserve to have it next now
Tell ’em take an I.O.U.
Believing what they’re making up
Talking loud but never really saying much
Tell ’em take an I.O.U.
I been drawing plans out
And they think I’m giving them a handout
Tell ’em take an I.O.U.
Thinking they’re entitled to a piece  no
I don’t think so
Tell ’em take an I.O.U….

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