Rebel Lyrics – Tarsem Jassar

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Rebel Lyrics by Tarsem Jassar is Latest Punjabi song sung and written by Tarsem Jassar. The music of new song is given by Western Pendu and video is released by Vehli Janta Records.

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Rebel Lyrics

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne

Western Pendu!

Na Bani Kade Sarkaran Naal
Bas Chaldi Zindagi Yaaran Naal
Ho Yaari Ch Talwaran Naal
Bai Hater Machde Kharasn Naal
Jehdi Likhdi Kalam Saddi
Kalaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne
Paigam Sadde Baagi Ne
Vikauan Nu Ni Kari Kade
Salaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne
Paigam Sadde Baagi Ne
Gaddaran Nu Ni Kari Kade
Salaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Dangar Firde Sadkaan Te
Jo Bande Bhejan Narkan Te
Kujh Leader Ho Gaye Tharkan Te
Te Singer Ho Gaye Badkaan Te

Ho Geetan Vich Badmaashi Ae
Kitte System Moohre Bole Ni
Tv Te Ban-De Killer Ne
Unjh Ta Sir Kade Khole Ni

Bhawein Yaar Di Gaddi Chhoti Aa
Par Ohde Vich Nazare Ne
Raheesaan De Naal Ban-Di Nai
Sadde Aam Yaar Jehe Saare Ne

Manmarjiyan De Naal Udhde Aan
Lagaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne
Paigam Sadde Baagi Ne
Vikauan Nu Ni Kari Kade
Salaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne
Paigam Sadde Baagi Ne
Gaddaran Nu Ni Kari Kade
Salaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Sab Ton Pichhon Hoye Ghulam Asi
Te Pehlan Movement Chhedi Si
Ho Jehdi Macchri Firdi Si
Sarkaar Gore Di Gheri Si

Ho Landuyan De Layi Jutti Ae
Zameer Haje Na Sutti Ae
Ho Kaum Nu Lod Ae Leader Di
Choran Naal Ral Gayi Kutti Ae

Lakh Laanat Aise System Te
Jehde Hawa Ch Gallan Karde Ne
Baahar Kutte Rescue Ho Jaande
Aithe Bachche Bore Ch Marde Ne

Nai Sutte Sher Nu Chhedi Da
Intekaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne
Paigam Sadde Baagi Ne
Vikauan Nu Ni Kari Kade
Salaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne
Paigam Sadde Baagi Ne
Vikauan Nu Ni Kari Kade
Salaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Unjh Thande Rehna Jaande Aan
Je Lod Pe Hikkan Taande Aan
Hathyaran Wale Jakheere Ne
Ho Soore Sadde Veere Ne
Ho Guttan De Vich Kade Sadde
Na Ranna Wale Kaleere Ne

Aaj Ek Do Panne Thode Ne
Kitaab Life Di Baaki Ae
Ho Saadhan Wargi Birti Ae
Jo Soddhi Jaande Aah Ki Ae

Tuhadi Raat Romantic Ae
Te Shaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne
Paigam Sadde Baagi Ne
Vikauan Nu Ni Kari Kade
Salaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Ho Naam Sadde Baagi Ne
Paigam Sadde Baagi Ne
Vikauan Nu Ni Kari Kade
Salaam Sadde Baagi Ne

Written by:Tarsem Jassar

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Rebel Music Video

Check out this amazing music video of "Rebel" released by Vehli Janta Records. Explore more lyrics by category in various languages from the menu section, or find your favorite lyrics by song name, artist name, or even with a lyrics line using our deep search on iLyricsHub!

More from Artist "Tarsem Jassar"

Rebel Song Details:
Lyricist: Tarsem Jassar
Musician: Western Pendu
Label: Vehli Janta Records
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Know More About Song "Rebel"

What is the singer name of song "Rebel"?

The singer name of song "Rebel" is Tarsem Jassar, whose voice is truly magical.

️Who wrote the lyrics of the song "Rebel"?

The lyrics of "Rebel" were penned by Tarsem Jassar.

Who composed the music for the song "Rebel"?

The composer behind the music of "Rebel" is Western Pendu.

Which record label released the song "Rebel"?

The song "Rebel" was released under the label Vehli Janta Records.

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